The Impact of Technology on Filipino Lives in Hawaii

Filipino outsourced workers have traditionally been limited to plantations in Hawaii due to a lack of other job opportunities. This evaluation found that the majority of Filipino respondents were women (76%), which may not accurately reflect the state's Filipino population. The results highlighted the difficulties faced by Filipino respondents in terms of prevention, care, and knowledge about the mitigation of COVID-19. Nearly two-thirds (61.1%) of Filipino respondents reported that someone in their family had at least one chronic illness, with high rates of diabetes (28.8%), asthma (30.0%), kidney disease (6.9%) and obesity (19.3%). Most Filipino respondents (75.9%) were women, half were young (18 to 34 years old), more than a third were middle-aged (35 to 54 years old), and 14.4% percent were older (55 years or older).

Comparison of the estimated earnings and the impact on employment and working hours of Filipinos compared to all respondents in Hawaii after COVID-19 showed that Filipinos were more likely to be affected by the pandemic. Celebrities, successful entrepreneurs, respected community figures, church leaders, and social media influencers of the younger generation can act as role models in the Philippine community to counter the huge amount of misinformation that is spread and shared on social media. Filipinos have also been at the forefront of activism and the local labor movement, such as Pablo Manlapit, and many Hawaiians have Filipino ancestry. Wilcox had even thought of forming a battalion of Hawaiian volunteers to go to the Philippines to support Filipinos in their quest for recognition of their independence from Spain and the United States. Partnering with Filipino community organizations, such as churches, can help distribute supplies directly to Filipino families, whether in central locations, such as community supermarkets or churches, or directly to homes. It was also an open secret at the time that Princess Kaiulani had supported Filipino and Cuban nationalists, which is why she became involved in the Red Cross. This is exacerbated by the offensive ethnic jokes being broadcast on the radio and by the perception that Filipinos in Hawaii speak with an accent. The final recommendation is to provide support and funding to those who are already working to address the deep and diverse needs of the Filipino community.

In conclusion, three general recommendations are offered to meet the needs of the Filipino community at this time.